All Saints Highertown


Baptism is all about making a fresh start, a new beginning with God. (John 3:3-8). 

Baptism of children welcomes them into the church, anticipating their own personal commitment to Jesus, encouraged by their parents and godparents.


Baptism of adults is a decision to accept and follow Jesus, to make that fresh start, symbolised by the physical cleansing of baptism.

What does baptising your child mean?

Baptism is a visible sign that your child is loved by God even before s/he knows anything about it or is able to do anything in return. Baptism is an opportunity to thank God for the gift of your child, for new life, and the blessing the child will be to you and others. It’s about welcoming your child into the church family and your commitment to encouraging her/him to become a Christian. It’s also a public declaration, before God, of the Christian faith by the parents, godparents and congregation and their collective promise to encourage the child in their own faith. As parents, we can never force our children to become Christians, and neither should we try! It’s only by our own faith and example that we encourage them to develop their own faith in God and to make a personal decision to follow Jesus Christ.

What does adult baptism mean?

Adult baptism is a very different experience and comes after much thought. It’s about the promises that you want to make, and although public, is a very intimate part of your relationship with God. It’s an opportunity, if you’re comfortable, to share your story and declare to your gathered friends and family that you are making a commitment to living as God intended.
 At All Saints you can be baptised by being sprinkled with water from the font or to be baptised by full immersion, in the same way that Jesus was by John the Baptist. Being lifted back out of the water symbolises being brought up into new life with your old life washed away. Baptism is a great step forward in your life that you’ve probably come to after quite a journey, but it doesn’t end there. It’s a step on an exciting life-long journey with God, supported by the Holy Spirit who is the comforter, advocate, counsellor and guide who will strengthen you through your new life as a disciple of Jesus.



If you want to discuss baptism at All Saints, please get in touch by using the contact form below.